When dealing with a small interior room, choosing the right paint colors can have a significant impact on creating an open and spacious feel. Opt for light, neutral shades like soft whites, pale grays, and pastel hues. These colors reflect light, making the room feel brighter and more expansive. Avoid dark or bold colors, as they can make the space feel closed-in and cramped.

Consider using a monochromatic color scheme to add depth without overwhelming the room. If you want to add a pop of color, use it as an accent on a single wall or in accessories and artwork. Additionally, using a high-quality, glossy paint finish can create a sense of depth and reflect light, further opening up the space.
Remember, ample natural light and well-placed mirrors can complement your chosen paint colors and contribute to the illusion of a larger room. By selecting the appropriate paint colors and incorporating a few design tricks, you can transform your small interior room into a bright, inviting space with a big impact.